Shahidul Alam: Vocabularies of Resistance, Strategies for International Solidarity
WedneSday 30 August 2023
RMIT University, Building 80 (Swanston Academic Building), Level 2, Room 7
445 Swanston Street, Melbourne
In dialogue — The School of Art Community Lecture Series
Shahidul Alam: Vocabularies of Resistance, Strategies for International Solidarity
In Dialogue, the School of Art community lecture series, encourages dialogue and sharing outside of the classroom. The second speaker in the series is photographer, activist and Adjunct Professor Shahidul Alam who will speak about Vocabularies of Resistance and strategies for international solidarity.
Adjunct Professor Shahidul Alam
Photographer, writer, activist and institution-builder, Shahidul Alam was a Time magazine Person of the Year for 2018 and in 2022 became a National Geographic Explorer at Large. He has championed human rights throughout his career. Recipient of the Shilpakala Award, the highest national award given to Bangladeshi artists, Alam obtained a PhD in chemistry before focusing on photography. Alam returned from studying abroad to Dhaka in 1984 and began documenting the democratic struggle to remove General Ershad. A former president of the Bangladesh Photographic Society, Alam’s work has been exhibited in leading museums including MoMA, Centre Georges Pompidou, and Tate Modern. A speaker at Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, Oxford, and Cambridge universities, Alam is a visiting professor at Sunderland University and RMIT and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society. He has chaired the international jury of World Press Photo. He has also received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of the Arts London.
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Image: Adjunct Professor Shahidul Alam