CAST OUT LOUD: Cracks in the gates — aesthetics, craft and community
Tuesday 11 September 2019
The Garden Building
RMIT University, Building 10, Level 5, Room 89
Bowen Street, Melbourne
This panel discussion explores hierarchies of value in the art world, paying particular attention to classifications made between “fine art” and “craft” practices, including the prevalence of 'aesthetic policing'.
Panelists will consider how class, race and gender are articulated through this distinction and are further complicated by community and cultural practices which challenge the conventions of the mainstream art world. Such practices have historically been sidelined by contemporary art exhibitionary practices and discourses. Working towards change for social equity, panelists ask how might a greater appreciation of the aesthetic and cultural dimensions of craft practices transform our understanding of contemporary art today?
Speakers: Varuni Kanagasundaram, Kirsten Lyttle, Tammy Wong-Hulbert, Vicki Couzens.
MC: Professor Anna Hickey-Moody
The catalyst for this discussion was the earlier CAST OUT LOUD event Cultural Rights in Victoria — are we there yet?, held in partnership with HRAFF and Multicultural Arts Victoria. This session is part of RMIT School of Art's Craft Initiative.
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Image: Varuni Kanagasundaram, Belonging (detail), 2012, porcelain paper clay, fabric, thread, slip, stain, 11 x 75 x 25 cm (Photo: Jeremy Dillon)