Penelope Umbrico in Conversation
Tuesday 27 August 2019
NGV International
Clemenger BBDO Auditorium
Penelope Umbrico is a renowned American digital media and photographic artist who uses the internet as the ultimate archive with a political bent.
Hear Penelope speak about her career and work with Professor Daniel Palmer at this FREE event brought to you by the Ballarat International Foto Biennale, the RMIT School of Art, and RMIT School of Design. Hosted by the National Gallery of Victoria. Supported by the Consulate General of the United States of America.
Hearing loops and accessible seating are available.
This is an Auslan interpreted event.
Registration essential via NGV website or Facebook event listing
Image: Penelope Umbrico, Screenshot 2015-11-07 18.34.11 / Pink Filter, 2015, Courtesy the artist and Bruce Silverstein Gallery, NY