Making Connections: The Sculptural Encounter as an Embodied Cognitive Experience
Friday 14 February 2019
RMIT University, Building 2, Level 2, Room 8
Bowen Street, Melbourne
Fleur Summers
Making Connections:
The Sculptural Encounter as an Embodied Cognitive Experience
An exhibition of work by School of Art PhD candidate Fleur Summers
This exhibition explores the encounter of sculptural works as an embodied experience in which perception is active and involves sensory motor activity and cognition. The work is mediated through the moving body and employs strategies using composite objects and altered situations related to physical activity alongside environments of reduced illumination and restrictive architecture. It draws upon research in embodied and enactive perception and cognition alongside an exploration of phenomenologically active sculptural and spatial practice since the 1960s.
Facebook event
Image: Fleur Summers, Merge, 2017 (Photo: Stephen Dixon)